4 animals pretty deadly

4 animals pretty deadly

Do not be fooled by the beauty and the beauty of colors and animal shapes around you. 
Because of the beautiful animals do not necessarily friendly to you, even though small and seemingly ukarannya harmless animals below can injure and even kill you.
The first is the poison dart frog. These amphibians do not have to display bad. If we observe the shape and color on this frog has its own beauty. Frog skin is full of colors - colors that attract attention. But be careful - careful with these amphibians. Poison dart frogs can stick its tongue and injure the body and can cause death. 

The second was a box jelly fish or a close known as jellyfish - jellyfish box. These animals have thousands spectrum poison contained in the tentacles. Box jelly fish life and often occur in Australian waters. Weapons flagship is by sticking tentacles to pierce anyone who is considered to be bothered. Usually the goal box jelly fish are the divers who are curious about animals - sea animals. 

The third is pretty lazy plume clown contained in the caterpillar. So that the caterpillars are difficult to be seen by humans if it is attached to the trees. The dominance of animal fur and its color makes it look more beautiful. But do not you try to get in touch with animal fur. Because you will be attacked by a dangerous poison. 

The latter is the cone snail or slug famous quiet and calm. These animals can maintain his body well and has great shock at the end of the base tapering shaped mouth. 

source: http://anam78.blogspot.com/2009/12/4-hewan-cantik-yang-membahayakan.html...