12 The ruins of the most beautiful on earth

12 The ruins of the most beautiful on earth

The ruins of the building is no longer a scary place the gathering of ghosts in the legend. Often the ruins are now left untouched to preserve the beauty that exists and eventually become a beautiful tourist attraction. The ruins are often the grandeur of historical evidence to build a nation that places the existing original.
From these ruins, historical facts often can we meet the various items that can still be found there. 12 The ruins that exist below the ruins of the most beautiful that we can meet in different countries.
1. Machu Picchu (Peru)

The ruins of the most famous of all Inca ruins. Machu Picchu as if it is between two mountain peaks and is often shrouded in fog. The ruins can not be seen from the Urubamba Valley below, this place was built by the Inca nation without at all using the wheel.
Machu Picchu was built in about the 15th century, but this place was not recorded by the Spanish Conquistador, who turned out to destroy the place in 1530. This place is also still unknown development goals, even though many signs that the place has many centers of worship.
Until now many archaeologists continue to search for evidence of purpose built venue, because the Incas did not leave a system of writing, no written reports about the place.
2. Babylon (Iraq)

The ruins are located about 90 km from the city of Baghdad, the original name of this town is "Bab-ili" which means "gate of the gods". The city is widely known at the time of the classical era, as a beautiful city with the "Hanging Gardens" which is one of the Seven Wonders of the World.
The city was established as a center of government and culture, and triumphed over approximately 15 centuries, ever since the arrival of the tribe Amor (about 1850 BC) until Alexander the Great, who eventually died there in 322 BC. Hammurabi (1892-1750 BC), one of the greatest rulers in Iraq also make this city as a center of government.

3. Palenque (Mexico)

The ruins of Palenque is one of the most important Mayan archaeological sites in Mexico and Central America. The town is built on a cliff overlooking the beautiful Gulf of Mexico, Palenque as if hidden in a tropical forest in the foothills Tumbala, Chiapas, Mexico.
Although the analysis of the pottery piece stating that the area had been inhabited from around 100 BC, but the remaining buildings mostly built in approximately 6 to 10 century AD. Lord of the largest in the city is Pacal, who ruled in the year 603 AD, and making various innovative buildings that survive even more than that range innings Pacal 68 years. One of the remarkable buildings is the Palace, both walls and ceilings of the palace is filled with carvings depicting the ceremony and various activities of rulers and the gods, so that we can think-ira how is life in the Mayan era.
Until now only 34 out of 500 possible buildings that successfully freed from the heap of soil, who knows you can follow to free one more?
4. Ayutthaya (Thailand)

Ayutthaya, in Sanskrit means 'invincible' is not as popular as Bangkok, Chiang Mai or Phuket, but it is one of the areas in Thailand that is often visited by tourists who want to see the famous ruins.
At the height of glory, Ayutthaya was the capital of which was busy with a reputation that reaches many countries. According to historians, the development of Ayutthaya, even exceeding the various capitals in Europe. The city is so prosperous to Burma (now Myanmar), neighboring countries, so jealous and finally managed to burn and loot the city. Although this city lives rubble now, but still very beautiful, and now protected as the Ayutthaya Historical Park
5. Colosseum (Italy)

One of the results from the work of the Romans built, as well as the ruins of the world's most famous buildings, the original name of this building is the Flavian Amphiteatre, is an elliptical-shaped outdoor theater building in downtown Rome, Italy.
The biggest building in the Roman era is able to accommodate 50,000 spectators, was used as a gladiatorial contests and public performances. Various performances, such as mock battles, executions, until the famous battle re performances, too many dramas based on mythology on display here. More than 50,000 people and animals die in this place
Although now part of the building damage is said to occur by an earthquake, but at least managed to stay upright this building stood only a little damage, and thus became one of the buildings that managed to make a breakthrough in arresting earthquake.
6. Tikal (Guatemala)

Tikal is the largest archaeological site in the world at the same time urban centers in the middle of the Mayan culture Pre-Colombia. The site is located in archaeological areas in the Peten Basin, Guatemala North. This site is part of the Tikal National Park and in 1979 was the protection of Unesco.
Tikal is one of the cultural and population center of the Mayan tribes. A variety of monumental buildings on the site was built in the fourth century AD. Tikal glory peaked at around 200-900 AD, and in this period, Tikal dominated the cultural, political, economic and military Mayans, while continuing to interact with various tribes, including Teohuatican in Mexico.
After periods of Tikal was defeated by Teohuatican in the fourth century AD, Tikal has decreased, even the existing palace was burnt. Various evidence suggests that the city is becoming more and more quiet until finally abandoned in the 10th century AD.

7. Chichen Itza (Mexico)

The greatest archaeological sites of pre-Colombian era built by the Mayans.Chichen Itza was built in the northern peninsula of Yucatan, Mexico. This region is the main focal point in the Classical Age. Chichen Itza was built with a variety of architectural styles that are considered the result of acculturation of the various cultures that exist in the area.

8. Parthenon (Greece)

Athena was the goddess temple, built in the 5th century on the Acropolis. This building is the most important buildings which had survived in the Greek Classical period, and is regarded as the pinnacle of development of Classical Greek culture.At this time, the Greek Culture Ministry is running a program to restore and reconstruct this building.

9. Monastery Trinidad (Paraguay)

Terlteak monastery 25 km from Encarnacion, on the route leading to Ciudad del Este, Paraguay, is the most interesting buildings in the history of Christian missions to Paraguay.
Trinidad is a city founded by local residents who came from San Carlos. The main architect of this building is the priest Juan Bautista Prímoli from Milan and Jose Catalan Grimau. Church built in this place said to be the most beautiful and largest churches throughout Paraguay (in his day)

10. Copán (Honduras)

Our mother of the year the Mayans 400-800, Copán is the largest and most magnificent city in the entire Maya cultural center. There are several pyramids, temples and 21 stone pillars, or stelae, with a variety of carving the face of the kings of Copán.

11. Palmyra (Syria)

Palmyra, located in the heart of Syrian Desert, often described as the "bride of the desert". Remainder of the existing building to witness imprisoned Queen Zenobia was a heroic leader. Palmyra is set up near the hot springs Afqa, is an ideal haven as a trade route between Iraq and Al-Sham (now is Syria, Lebanon, Jerusalem and Jordan).
Strategic location plus the prosperity of this region is very interesting Roman troops, who eventually took over this city in the first years AD. Expert arkeolgis until now to dig the area to find the remains of the palace buildings vain queen Zenobia.
12. Talisay (Philippines)

One of the buildings in Talisay City is a big house built by the king of sugar in the late 19th century, and not once, but twice had shattered in the second world war, to prevent the Japanese do not take advantage of the building. Time of the buildings still show the beauty of these huge mansions.

source: http://www.mamasipenk.co.cc/2010/01/12-reruntuhan-terindah-di-muka-bumi.html