In Tokyo, a bicycle is faster than a car to travel less than 50 minutes away.
As a precaution in case of accident, Prince Charles and Prince William never travel companion one plane.
Your body produces to kill and go back 15 million red blood cells every second!
King (K) red heart in a card game, is the only king without a mustache!
Apparently, there are no clocks in las vegas casino casino!
Painting Mona Lisa has no eyebrows.This is because fashion was a trend to shave off the eyebrows.
In America the bank robbery occurred 20 times each day.Taken an average of $ 2,500!
First name of the most popular and most used in the world is Muhammad!
Nobel Prize medal pictorial three naked men with their hands holding each others shoulders.
When glass breaks, the pieces move faster than 5.000km/jam.For the photograph, the camera should be able to take pictures of 1 million shoot every second!
Fuel tank capacity is 216,673 liters of airplane fuel Boeing747!
Lightning has a temperature five times hotter than the sun's surface!
The violin is made of 70 pieces of wood.
It takes 1 million years for the soil to decompose the glass.This means it's never expired for the glass to be recycled many times!
Forest fires move faster towards the mountain, rather than toward the valley!
Nearly half of all the newspapers in the world, circulating in the United States and Canada!