1. Houses of The Simpsons
Houses that are identical to the home of "The Simpsons" was made by someone who is fanatical, and it looks like the real inside and outside the home.
The house is located in Henderson, Nevada.
2. Houses Flintstones
This house looks so amazing just like home Flintstones. Apart from the odd shape, the conditions in which jg much like the original. This house has a front door, several windows and a roof.
The house is located on the NAS Montanhas de Fafe, Portugal.
3. Barbie house
This modern house built by Jonathan Adler on the anniversary of Barbie is to 5o.Inside there was a collection of shoes like Barbie shoes.
The house is located in Malibu, California.
4. Minnie Mouse house
Houses with pink & purple is not only looks cute from the outside, but the interior is also full of furniture, furnishings. In it there is a refrigerator and microwave are shaped exactly the same as in the movie. You can meihat in Mickey's Toontown Fair.
This house teletak in Orlando, Florida.
5. Snoopy's house
Snoopy's house with this giant size used for the information kiosk in the "Baseball Field Complex", part of the museum Charles M. Schulz.
The house is located in Santa Rosa, California.
6. Hobbit house
This amazing Hobbit house built by Simon Dale, where he was not an architect or a construction worker, he can build a house together with his father and assisted by people who were milling around. The house was completed just in time 4 months and spent about £ 3000.
7. Hello Kitty's house
Funny house with pink paint is 100% inspired by the famous cat character since several years.
The house is located in Taipei, Taiwan.
8. Heidi's house
Not only the shape of this magnificent house, but the scenery looks the same too.
9. Houses Batman
This strange mystery house like a house that is in "Gotham's City". And red light mebuat effect as if Batmobile has been crossed in front of him.
10. Houses Star Wars
This house was built in 1970 by Claude King. This house was inspired from the movie Star Wars, which was released nearly seven years after the house was built.
The house is located in Chattanooga, Tennessee.
source: kaskus.us a