1. Wild Boar
Wild boar is not completely vegetarian, they eat small animals such as insects, lizards and frogs (on occasion), and will not reject carrion. However, like any other pig species, they also consume the plants. Male weight of 300 kg (though rare, can be described weighing more than 1 ton) and has a large ivory sharp and can easily tear open the stomach with a predator. Adult male wild pigs are known to fend off the wolves without any assistance! Females have smaller tusks, but also still very dangerous, especially when they have a baby pig to be protected.
Cassowary is one of the largest bird in the world. They live in rain forests of Australia and New Guinea and was good at doing many things. For example, the symbol above their heads are hollow bird that is used to generate a call with a very low frequency to communicate with other cassowaries in the distance. These animals get into this list because the Cassowary is the most deadly bird in the world, although in general they eat fruit. But when disturbed, they will jump into the air with style kung-fu and kick the enemy with a long claw feet deep, straight and shaped like a dagger. They are easily able to disembowel a man with 'senjata'nya, which has been widely used not only attack humans but wild dogs and even horses and cows!
Gelada Baboon is a monkey that is really impressive, with a huge mane and a flat face, unique and living in the mountains of Ethiopia where most of them eat grass.Usually they are known as a peaceful animal, but they have a 'weapon' of the most frightening is the teeth. Although rare, they never attack humans at the zoo. This species is known to be very wild and aggressive.
With a weight that reaches a ton, the American bison is one of the two-body giant herbivores that live in North America (the other is a moose) after the extinction of ice age. They hunted and endangered by human beings today. But thanks to legal protection they can still be found in national parks.
What most people do not know is bull is capable of killing tourists more than the power of bears and wolves! They usually will not attack unless you go in the 'private sphere' them.
What most people do not know is bull is capable of killing tourists more than the power of bears and wolves! They usually will not attack unless you go in the 'private sphere' them.
After the chimpanzees, gorillas are animals that are similar to ours, but of course there are big differences between them and us. Silver back gorilla is Sepertiseorang adult males, usually the leader of the gorilla, which weighs 200 kilograms / sometimes more, and has a strength of at least 10 adults. They are usually vegetarian and friendly, but adult males will not hesitate to attack any intruder who could pose a threat to his family. With 'senjata'nya a very large, very long arms, sharp canine teeth, and capable of running two times faster than humans. When angry, a gorilla would be as scary as a large predator.
There are five species of rhino in Africa and Asia and they are all big, tough, quick-tempered and potentially deadly. Their horns are made of hair, but they are still very dangerous if you use it as a 'weapon' that can gore the enemy to death. Indian Rhinoceros also have sharp teeth and are known to bite as well. And of course, they can easily trample you under their body (with a weight of up to three tons). Basically, the way his life equipped with extraordinary speed.
Forest 7.Kerbau
Buffalo may look like a giant cow, but they are actually the most feared ground herbivores in Africa. Very easy to get angry, because the herbivorous animals that flourished in the country would be governed by powerful predators such as lions and hyenas, and thus they have no choice but to become a creature of his own difficulties. With a big body, sharp horns and nails become 'weapons' deadly serious, and they are one of the few animals that will come back down to help a "friend". If the buffalo were captured by a lion or wounded by hunters, there is a good chance that the rest of the herd attacker will charge to help their partners.
We are accustomed to seeing elephants as a peaceful animal, said even friendly.But they are actually the most dangerous wild creature. Elephants have killed a zoo keeper more than other animals, and because of the size and weight of kekuatann them, they are very difficult to stop. Elephants will attack for several reasons; protect their babies, where they, or only when they are in a bad mood. Male elephant also has a periodic condition known as musth, in which their hormone levels rise so much, then they rampage attacking creature they see, including lions, rhinos, and people. Therefore, zoo and circus elephants are often avoided to maintain the male.
9.Babi forest
Has a very sharp canines and mutual wielding every time the beast closes its mouth (like a pair of scissors). They roam in herds of a very large, up to 500 or even 1000 individuals. Just as Cape buffalo, if one group member was attacked or shot, the whole herd will retaliate. The only thing to do when attacked by a swarm is to climb trees as fast as possible, and in South America some cases body parts missing hunter or even bitten to shreds when they are not able to climb quickly. wild predators such as the jaguar and the Cougars are creatures who are smart enough to avoid this herd. If attacked, only forest Babai young or weak to be separated from the others.
Hippos are the most dangerous animal of all herbivores in Africa, killing more people every year than lions, tigers and crocodiles.
Animals are territorial, the hippopotamus (especially males) can weigh three tons or more, and have been known as the frequent attacks on the water on water (even a boat and kayak upside down) and on land, he can run very fast even if obese . He has the largest and strongest jaws with the longest canine teeth of any mammal species, and can bite a crocodile adult.Bahkan these animals can beat the lion if the lion was too close to their territorial, when the dry season and the lions need a drink ..
In some cases due to fights kudanil two males in one group, not infrequently they are oppressed and die cilds.
source : http://haxims.blogspot.com/2011/06/10-hewan-herbivora-paling-buas-dan.html