The first day of the war in Przemysl (now a Polish town named Przemysl) and the first soldier who was killed in the land of the Soviets (a member of the 101st division Legkopehotnoy). The city is directly controlled by German forces on 22 June 1941, but the next morning was recaptured by the Red Army and border guards, only to be captured again by the Germans on June 27
One of the photos taken after the attack which failed Dieppe in 1942. The Germans were transporting the wounded soldiers, while in the foreground looks a German soldier who was killed
The weapons that had seized the German and Allied soldiers rows of corpses that have been dijejerkan
ni is the famous photograph showing Generalmajor Friedrich Kussin lying dead in his car on September 17, 1944. 642 Feldkommandantur Kussin is commander in Arnhem region responsible for vital places (bridges, power plants etc.) in the Arnhem area. When the Allied paratroopers conduct surprise raids in the area, Kussin immediately decided to go to the front straight for the sake of knowing the real situation that occurred after losing contact with the soldiers who survived in the western German city. He left by car Citroën staff along with his driver, Willeke and Josef Gefreiter aide Unteroffizier Max Koster through Utrechtseweg. After meeting with the SS-Hauptsturmführer Josef 'Sepp' Krafft of SS-Panzergrenadier-Ausbildungs und ersatz-Battalion 16, Kussin returned to his base with the promise of providing reinforcements. Krafft remind the generals to take the road back to the north and do not take home the same way the southern route because of the possibility of British parachute troops already mastered. For reasons unknown, Kussin ignore these warnings and continue down the Utrehctseweg. Along the way, his car bumped into the pioneer troops from the 3rd Battalion Parachute England, who immediately opened fire on the Germans with a barrage of machine gun. The three occupants instantly killed instantly, including Kussin. In the photo above it appears that the general's scalp had been separated from his head. It is known that there are people who are trying to peel Kussin although not the British paratroopers who do
The body of Josef Gefreiter Willeke, Friedrich Kussin driver lying beside his car.Apparently he was trying to British paratroopers returned fire with his rifle, only enemies faster. So enthusiastic British soldiers strafe Kussin entourage so that it takes orders from their commanders to stop it! New known then that one of their victims are "top notch" Germany, the commander in the region!.
source : http://alifrafikkhan.blogspot.com/2011/04/killed-in-action-pictures-koleksi-foto.html