The statues of the world's smallest

The statues of the world's smallest

He was born in 1957 in Birmingham.
 Willard Wigan started working at a young age. He is someone who has dyslexia (difficulty reading) and various other types of learning difficulties, which makes it difficult to follow the lessons in school. As a fugitive, he tried to create works that are not visible from the naked eye.

"Everything started when I was 5 years", he said, "I made a home for ants because I think they need a place to live. Then I make them shoes and hats. All of that is the fantasy world of dyslexia where I run because I can not stand against the teacher who always criticize my learning difficulties. That's how my story as microsculptor derived "

The result of Willard's work can only be seen using a microscope. Each of his works can be placed in the eye of a needle. Great personal sacrifice in every creation of his work. Willard entered the level of meditation where the heartbeat slows down, to make it to reduce vibration on hand for to create a masterpiece .. Even the sound echoes from the street outside to interfere with his job, so he chose to work at night when disturbance is minimal.

The result of Willard's work is often referred to as "the eighth wonder of the world."He even has received an award from Prince Charles for his work are amazing.

He uses a small operating equipment to create his works of gold and grains of sand.To paint, he often uses tiny hairs that originated from flies that have died.

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