Building collapses By The No Atom Bomb and Earthquake In Japan

Building collapses By The No Atom Bomb and
Earthquake In Japan

Kobe Mosque is the first mosque in Japan. This mosque was built in 1928 in Nakayamate Dori, Chuo-ku. Kobe means gate of God or God's gate.

In 1945, Japan engaged the Second World War. Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor in American ports have made the U.S. government decided to drop the first atomic bomb in a war.

And Japan was defeated. Two of his city, Nagasaki and Hiroshima was bombed by the U.S. Atom. At that time, the city of Kobe did not miss the hefty price. Kobe arguably be razed to the ground.

When the buildings around it almost razed to the ground, Kobe Muslim Mosque still standing upright. This mosque suffered only cracks on exterior walls and all the glass windows broken. The exterior of the mosque

become quite black from the smoke bomb attack. Japanese soldiers who took refuge in the basement of the mosque survived the bomb threat, as well as concealed weapons. This mosque became a place of refuge for victims of war.

The government of Saudi Arabia and Kuwait contributed to fund the renovation in large numbers. Glass broken window replaced with new glass windows imported directly from Germany. A new decorative lights are hung in the middle of the main prayer hall. Room temperature control system is then installed in the mosque.

School destroyed in the war again renovated and some additional buildings were built. Muslims back to enjoy their religious activities in Kobe Muslim Mosque.

The financial crisis is often approached the mosque committee cash. High property taxes make the mosque committee had to spend quite a lot of cash costs. Luckily, many donors are ready to give a helping hand to solve the financial problems of development and renovation of this mosque. Donations can even make Kobe Muslim Mosque became increasingly developed.

Kobe Mosque robustness was tested again with the most devastating earthquake in 1995. Precisely at 5:46 o'clock Tuesday, January 17, 1995. The quake struck Kobe is not only alone, but also the surrounding areas like South Hyogo, Hyogo-ken Nanbu and others.

The experts say that the earthquake was caused by three plates collide, the Philippine plate, Pacific Plate and the Eurasian plate. Although only lasted 20 seconds, namuun quake death toll this takes as many as 6433 people, most of which is a resident of the city of Kobe. In addition, the Kobe quake also caused major damage to the city area of 20 km from the epicenter.

Earthquake Hanshin-Awaji great is the worst earthquake in Japan since the great Kanto earthquake of 1923 which claimed 140,000 lives. But until now Kobe Mosque still standing strong and erect, though not deterred hordes disasters.

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