10 Heritage "Good" from the Still Used Almost Nazi Worldwide

10 Heritage "Good" from the Still Used Almost Nazi Worldwide

The National Socialist German Workers Party (Nazi Party) is one of the most famous political systems in world history, famous for their cruel acts and behaves really inhumane. 

Nevertheless, the Nazi government implemented a number of policies for the good of their people and the people in the future, many of their policies which are still carried out by our own government.

Please note: This list is NOT a form of support for the Nazi regime which has become the second most evil regimes in history after Stalin of Russia.

The list is expected to show that in the midst of great evil, the goodness of human beings can still shine. 

This list is a tribute to the people of Nazi Germany that is able to make change for a better life under a regime that is corrupt and wrong.

10. The ban vivisection
Nazi Germany was the first country to ban vivisection in the world, imposing a total ban in April 1933. 

Size to ban vivisection be of great interest and submitted to the Reichstag early 1927. High-ranking Nazis such as Hermann Göring, Heinrich Himmler and Adolf Hitler is deeply concerned about wildlife conservation, especially in regard as to how animals are slaughtered. 

Most of the wildlife protection laws currently in Germany, and in the world, derived from legislation proposed by the Nazi Party. 

This is obviously very ironic while on the one hand they defend the lives of endangered animals, while on the other hand they are cruelly slaughtered Catholics, homosexuals, Gypsies, and Jews.

Hermann Göring, who was appointed as Prime Minister of Prussia, said this:
"Absolute and permanent ban on vivisection is not only necessary law to protect animals and to show sympathy with their suffering, but also a law for humanity itself.

I have announced a ban on vivisection immediately and has determined it is a criminal offense in Prussia. Until now, such as stipulated penalties: the perpetrator must be filed in concentration camps. "

The picture above is a cartoon showing the animals are saved from vivisection honor of Hermann Göring. Sign in the window saying "vivisection, forbidden!"

9. Wildlife Conservation
When the Nazis came to power in 1933, their concerns are not only on the people, but with native animals Jerman.pada in 1934, national hunting law enacted to regulate how many animals could be killed per year, and to establish the "hunting season" proper. 

Poaching laws have now been implemented in most western countries. This law is known as Das Reichsjagdgesetz, Reich Hunting Law. Reichstag also be the basis for animal conservation education at primary, secondary and College.

In addition, in 1935, another law was passed, Reichsnaturschutzgesetz (Nature Protection Act Reich).

This law puts some native species protection list, including wolves and Eurasian lynx. The addition was added later on for the massacre by human afforestation on fish. Without this law the possibility of some species will actually disappear from the forests of Germany.

8. Anti-Tobacco Movement
Adolf Hitler was strongly opposed to smoking in the future that he can not be in the same room with someone who lit a cigarette, and consider smoking as a waste of money. 

So he started doing one anti-tobacco movement's most expensive and effective throughout history. During the 1930s and 1940s, the anti-tobacco movement failed fantastically in other countries, but in the German Nazi movement was taken seriously.

Nazis banned smoking in restaurants and public transportation systems, public health fatherly, and so regulate cigarette advertising. There is also a very high tobacco taxes, and supply of cigarettes to the Wehrmacht who restricted.

Several health organizations in Nazi Germany even begin to claim that smoking increases the risk of miscarriage of a pregnant woman, and is now a well-known public facts.

Statistics annual cigarette consumption per capita in 1940 in Germany is only 749, while in the United States more than 3,000. The picture above says "He does not suck, [smoking] was actually that ate him!"

7. Welfare Program
Nazi Germany has one of the largest social welfare program in history, based on the philosophy that all German citizens have to share the standard of living. 

One of the most famous is the Winter Relief program, in which high Nazi officers and the general public took to the streets to collect charity to be given to the less fortunate. 

This is not only a very cerdaas propaganda movement, but also rituals to produce the public good feeling toward those in need. Posters urging people to donate instead of giving directly to beggars.

Joseph Goebbels, Nazi officials themselves and the control of radio, television and Propaganda, often participating in this movement.

But how seebnarnya these funds be used? Most of the theft of goods from people who are considered enemies of the regime. Government Nazis stole large amounts of money from their population and use it to fund social welfare schemes in the selected community members (preferred). 

Mimic modern scheme is funded by a tax system which steals from everyone.Pictured above is the tube that is used to attempt Winter Relief Fund.

6. Volkswagen
It literally means "People's Car", this vehicle is presented as a car that could be bought every German citizen. This is based on suggestions from Hitler to the designer, says that it should resemble beetles. 

The car was a huge success, but toward the end of the war, low resources and public availability decreases. Volkswagen appears more as a military vehicle by the end of the Third Reich.

But this does not stop it from being one of the most popular vehicles in the world, known for their reliability, stylish design and ease of use.

5. Toll Roads
Although initially not understood by the Nazis, Hitler was an enthusiastic supporter of the idea and pushed for the largest network of roads to be built in Germany. 

Established as the first toll road system in the world, the autobahn is a revolutionary achievement of the techniques that forever changed the way people travel.

Thousands countries have to imitate Hitler's system, including America and Britain.This road is managed by a single treatment, the largest highway network in the world, with a road that stretches across the country, even to other countries such as Austria.

Road construction is not only revolutionary, this project also provides more than 100,000 workers with jobs that are necessary for economic recovery efforts. 

It is the purpose of the Nazi party to try and bring that country to establish a sense of unity through the road system, and for the most part it worked. 

4. Father of Modern Rocket
Wernher Von Braun, the man who found the rocket as we know it today is a Nazi party member and was assigned Schutzstaffel Officer. 

He helped Germany and the United States in the use of rockets during and after World War 2, and eventually became naturalized U.S. citizens. Although he pioneered in many areas, including the installation of liquid-fueled rocket in orbit for aircraft and ground missiles, he was renowned for his achievements at NASA.

The best achievement is without doubt the development of the Saturn V rocket booster, which helps people to finally touch the moon, in July 1969. 

Von Braun officially opened the gates for space travel through innovative discoveries, and creating one of the most destructive methods of warfare known to man.

3.Inovasi in Film
Nazis are very interested in film and music as propaganda techniques and important cultural pillars. Magnetic tape recording was first recognized in the speech made by Hitler, and Joseph Goebbels pushed for a more complex methods such as film. 

For example, "Triumph of the Will propaganda film, a sequel to" former propaganda film "Triumph of the Faith", is regarded as one of the most important part of the history of cinematography. 

Director, Leini Riefenstahl (pictured above) using a film camera, it is very surprising thirty and more than one hundred engineers to produce a two-hour movie. Since Triumph of the Will has a limited budget, the latest technology is used.

Cranes and film-rail tracks are used, a technique still used today to create a subtle effect of 'walking and movement'.

In the end, the films propaganda is dead, but the techniques developed at that time still used regularly in Hollywood films are great.

2. Contribution to Fashion
Nazi uniform style is a style that displays the courage of the government. Thick-soled leather boots, slouch hat, cow leather jacket and top hat are some examples in Nazi fashion, and some gray, brown and black. 

SS Panzer military organization into a source of fear into the hearts of their enemies, with a black hat and leather coat that was later adopted by American rockers. 

Doc Martens boots used to be very similar to the Schutzstaffel officer. Look around at every rock, industrial or otherwise group 'edgy' and you will see small traces of Nazi fashion sense. 

American novelist Kurt Vonnegut once described the Nazi uniform style 'somewhat theatrical'. In addition, Adidas founder, Adolf Dassler, was a Nazi. He was producing shoes for the Wehrmacht during the war, and has given American athletes and the Nazis with footwear during the Berlin Olympics. 

Compliments were made when Jesse Owens won the event, run in the Berlin Olympics wearing shoes Adolf Dassler. Adidas is now a multinational company, supplying athletes around the world with a supply of footwear accessories and sports equipment.

His brother, Rudolf Dassler, was the Nazis who is more passionate than the two brothers are the founders of other sports equipment company with the brand Puma. 

Oh yes, and Hugo Boss is a Nazi, from 1934, is the official supplier of uniforms to the SA, SS, Hitler Youth, NSKK and Party organizations (as evidenced in the ad above.)

1. Progress in the Field of Medicine
Deaths from medical ethics in Nazi Germany is a decision that sinful, reckless, and dangerous, leading to countless atrocities. Nevertheless, the medical world they have created one of the most extensive ethics controversies in history. 

For example, Nazi extensively studied and monitored hypothermia, at the Dachau concentration camp, using the victim to severe torture.

Nazi victims in the barrel soak in cold water or leave them in cold winter temperatures, while monitoring changes in body temperature, heart rate, muscle response and urine. 

These tests were originally conducted on volunteer army, but the Nazis are not satisfied. They have all the information they can get and start testing it on the victims of concentration camps. 

They try to formulate a method to bring the body back to a safe temperature, including the "Rapid Active rewarming" technique that seems to be the most effective method of awakening and are used today in the west.

This research has the potential to fill a void in the other researchers in research on hypothermia.

source: http://www.kaskus.us/showthread.php?t=6892805