5 Habits That Make Happy trivial

5 Habits That Make Happy trivial

Each person would want to be happy. However, not all people understand, really we do not have to schedule a vacation abroad or while waiting for the prize door prize for achieving happiness. Recent research shows, conduct day-to-day trivial actions can also make our minds become more positive.As a result, the mood was always good. Come on, form the habit from now on.
09.00: Drink green tea. Those who drank at least 4 cups of green tea a day 44 percent lower risk of experiencing depression. Compounds theanine can encourage the production of serotonin and makes us more comfortable.

At 12.00: Start the process of detox. Bring a lunch of food that can also help remove toxins from the body. For example, fruit, fresh vegetables, fish, and whole grains.
16.00: Roads in the afternoon. Those who actively had more endorphin levels. This hormone can improve mood. Make way leisurely afternoon, every day, approximately 20 minutes.
At 19:00: / create iron at night. If we meet them from the supplements, drink it during dinner for maximum absorption. If we are experiencing symptoms of perimenopause, then make sure the supplement contains at least 18 mg iron.
22.00: Write a diary. Before bed, take the time to write three exciting events on that day. This will be a reminder that we are positive.

source : http://www.beritaunik.net/tips-trik/5-kebiasaan-sepele-yang-membuat-bahagia.html