10 The bodies of the Saints that do not decompose Over Hundreds of Years

10 The bodies of the Saints that do not decompose Over Hundreds of Years

1. Saint Bernadette of Lourdes, 129 years old corpse, Died in 1879

2. Saint John Vianney, 149 year old corpse, died in 1859

3. Saint Teresa Margaret, aged corpse tahun.meninggal 238 1770

4. Saint Vincent de Paul , 348 year old corpse, died in 1660

5. Saint Silvan Died circa 350

6. Saint Veronica Giuliani, 281 year old corpse, died in 1727

7. Saint Zita, 736 year old corpse, died in 1272

8. Saint John Bosco, 120-year old corpse, died in 1888

9. Blessed Pope Piux IX, 130-year old corpse, died in 1878

10. Blessed Pope John XXIII, 45-year-old corpse, died in 1963

source: http://www.sayakasihtahu.com/2010/07/10-mayat-orang-suci-yang-tidak-membusuk.html