Top 5 Most Unique Frogs in the World

Top 5 Most Unique Frogs in the World

Here’s a list of the most unique frog species in the world. Most frogs are characterized by a short body, long hind legs, protruding eyes, webbed digits, and the absence of a tail. So, the frog is one of the amphibious animal that we know. Here are 5 types of frogs that might be the strangest and unique in the world we have never seen.
1. Mantel Red Frog
The mantel red frog has a red coat is orange / red on the dorsal surface / body. This size is small, this frog is a frog native land of Madagascar. This small frog, reaching a size of 2.5 cm in length.
most unique frogs in the world red coat frog Top 5 Most Unique Frogs in the World
Red Coat Frog
2. Toxic Frog
The poisonous frog with colors like sapphire blue, is the common name of a group of frogs in the Dendrobatidae family, which is native frogs of Central and South America. Although all dendrobatids at least somewhat toxic in the wild, the level of toxicity varies from one species to the next and from one population to another. There are many critically and endangered species.
most unique frogs in the world toxic frog Top 5 Most Unique Frogs in the World
Toxic Frog
3. Pillow Frog
The Frog pillow can grow to six inches long and inhabit Uruguay, Brazil and northern Argentina. While it may look like bearing silent, but the frog fast in attacking lizards, mice, birds, other frogs.
most unique frogs in the world pillow frog Top 5 Most Unique Frogs in the World
Pillow Frog
4. Darwin’s frog
This species, which live in leaf trash in the forest floor, has an unusual method in terms of parenting her children, the male taking eggs from nests to the vocal sac where they hatch into tadpoles after about eight days. The Darwin’s frog chili is quite regularly appear until around 1978, but did not appear again and it seems to have been lost, and now possibly extinct species.
most unique frogs in the world darwins frog Top 5 Most Unique Frogs in the World
Darwins Frog
5. Vietnam Frog
This frog found in Vietnam and possibly China. Natural habitat of a subtropical or tropical lowland forest humid, live in fresh water, and rocky areas. The common name of mossy frogs arise from the fact that skin freckles and dark green that resembles moss growing on rocks, and an effective form of camouflage or disguise.
most unique frogs in the world vietnam frog Top 5 Most Unique Frogs in the World
Vietnam Frog
From many of most unique frogs species above, are you curious and want to see one of these frogs?
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