4 Animal Eye Guard Wind legend

4 Animal Eye Guard Wind legend

 Seiryu - The East Carers (Korean: ChungRyong; Chinese: Qing Long)

Bodied animal resembling a snake but had legs and claws serve as a protector of Buddhism. Most Japanese legends about dragons originated from China. Eternal enemy of human-bird dragon is called Karura. Elemental dragons are natural wood, but he controls the rain and staying in the sea or rivers that can also cause flooding.In China and Korea, the dragon is very close to the imperial emblem. In western mythology, dragons are often used as a figure or antagonists that interfere with the tranquility of human beings. In Eastern cultures, the dragon is a figure of good luck and wealth that his form was creepy but loving and fair.

2. Suzaku - The South Guard (Korean: Jujak; Chinese: Zhu Que)
Red bird or birds which are often paired with a fire dragon. The couple described the feud but also happiness in marriage. No wonder the Phoenix became a symbol of the emperor's consort. Suzaku has a feather-light shining, and its appearance is associated with a good day. Actually understanding a red bird and Phoenix is not the same. Red Bird 'replace' the Phoenix, but in general remain more famous than the Phoenix bird red bird that appears to be merely ordinary.

3. BYAKKO - The Western Guard (Korean: Baekho; Chinese: Fang Bai Xi Hu)
For the Chinese, the tiger is the king of all beasts and lord of the mountains. Having a naturally occurring element that is assumed white metal, because the white tiger Byakko is a protective one direction of the wind. In some versions, there is a white tiger named this as Kirin, legend-bodied animals such as deer or a horse that has a horn. In Japanese mythology, Kirin more specifically described as having a body like a Deer. In another version, but Kirin-headed lion-bodied deer, and many translations say that Kirin same as Unicorn. while Unicorn is a unicorn, while Kirin's not a horse head.

In the Book of Tang, who is the reincarnation of Li Luo Cheng Byakko and Seiryu reincarnation is said to be a rebel-called Xiongxin. They both are brothers who swore on Shubao Qin, Cheng Zhijie and Yuchi Jingde. Their souls after death the body is said to have a new hero of the Tang Dynasty and the Liao Dynasty, and He Xue Rengui Suwen.

4. GENBU - The North Guard (Korean: Hyunmoo; Chinese: Xuan wu)
The tortoise is a symbol of longevity and happiness. These turtles are often displayed along with snakes, both believed to be the cause of the universe. Turtles and snakes element element Yin Yang, which is the tortoise shell of the universe.Tortoise shell is strong and serves as pelndung body similar to the function of a shield, so that the turtles in Shijin called the Black Warrior. Relief ancient tortoise who most closely can we meet at the Borobudur Temple.

source : kaskus.us