Strange Horn Head Growing up in Two Elderly This

Strange Horn Head Growing up in Two Elderly This
Huang Yuanfan, an elderly man from Ziyuan, South China, a conversation on world health. Grandpa 84 years has an odd-sized horn three inches or three inches.

Yuanfan recalled, horns on his head began to grow since two years ago. Since then the horns continue to grow. "I tried to cut it but it continues to grow. I can not change it, getting bigger," he loaded a page 

However, the horns can not grow more than seven inches. "Doctors do not know what happened to me. I hide the horns with wearing a hat but worried about sticking when growing longer," said Yuanfan.

Last March, a grandmother in the country also experienced the same thing. Zhang Ruifang, grandmother 101 years, was first realized there was six inches long horns on the left side of his forehead in 2009. He also felt his forehead to his right also began to grow horns.

Women from Linlou, eastern China, it refused to cut his horns. "At first, I could not sleep. But now I feel normal. Many people who come bearing gifts and food just to take pictures of my horns."
Tanduk di dahi Zhang RuifangZhang Guozheng youngest son, 60, said he and five brothers frustration to persuade the mother willing to remove the horns on his head. "We're just trying to avoid being late to his horns stick there forever. Maybe it's become his destiny," he said.

It is estimated, which grew horns in both the head of China's elderly derived from keratin, the same substance as fingernails. Although only a few millimeters of skin horn, in some people this growth can reach several centimeters.

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