Interesting Facts About Kissing

Interesting Facts About Kissing

Facts about KissingInteresting facts about Kissing: The average person spends his whole life to kiss 2 weeks. How about YOU?
Eskimos, Polynesians do not kiss each other in the mouth. They rub noses. Try it! It is very nice.
During a kiss from one person to another is transmitted 278 different bacterial cultures. Fortunately, 95 percent of them are not dangerous. Remember to rest!
According to estimates of the journal Scientific American, the most kisses happen on Valentine's Day, with 65 percent of kissing her head tilted to the right. The habit of tilting your head in a certain direction is formed even during fetal development.

Kiss of sufficient duration is much better than chewing gum, it normalizes the acidity in the mouth. Kissing after every meal, you can greatly reduce the risk of caries.
This passionate kiss causes in the brain the same chemical reaction that parachuting and shooting a pistol. Make love, not war. More interesting facts about kissing: Lips person hundreds of times more sensitive than the fingertips. This increases the pulse of a kiss to the frequency of 100 or more beats per minute.
Innocent Kiss "Smack-Smack" burns 5 calories. Increasing the intensity of kissing, you can burn up to 30 calories for one kiss. For comparison: the minutes of brisk walking burns only 4-5 calories!
More facts about kissing: In Japan, is considered very impolite to kiss in front of witnesses. It is for this reason that you almost never see a kiss in a Japanese movie. The fact that the world is called "Japanese," kiss, like this: the stand at a distance of one step apart, bend forward and. stretched lips, touch their partner's lips. Do not open your mouth!
Every tenth young man starts to kiss "really" not yet reached the age of 10. By the age of fourteen years for 50 percent of the people of both sexes know what is the "kissing passionately."
Factors that kill women desire to kiss: in the first place - bad breath, in second place - the smell of sweat, on the third - a short chin at the man.
The average woman kisses a 7.9 men, before entering into 

interesting facts about kissing

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