6 Personal Project Extraordinary Experiment

Aircraft Birthdays space shuttle

Justin Yeh Lee and Oliver were two MIT students who decide they want to take pictures of the curvature of the earth just to feel the cool sensation and a joke.

They spent $ 148 on the project and have a picture for their efforts:

So, what is needed to do something like that? Well, besides having a brain the size of Krang, they use weather balloons, some helium, Styrofoam coolers and duct tape.

They put a couple of break-and-shake the hand warmers in a cooler to keep the cheap camera in a prepaid phone with GPS that they use from freezing in height for Tracked.
The balloon was launched.

balloon that flew 18 miles into the sky - enough to cover the short of atmosphere at an altitude from 62 miles, but still three times higher than an airplane.
And we really ready to call that thing they portrait there is "space." To give an idea, when the balloon finally burst, cooling beer took 40 minutes to touch the ground.
They are specifically assigned to keep the project as cheaply as possible so they can crash and burn over and over again until they succeed (which they did on the first try).
If you want to follow on their coattails brilliant, you can find instructions for building your own balloon camera here.
And while it is admirable and all, you know what would be better? If you can put people up there. which is the goal of Kristian von Bengston and Peter Madsen from Copenhagen Suborbitals.
 It is simultaneously the greatest and most terrible idea in the history of time.
Both men have been using donations to fund their projects, which would make them non-governmental groups that funded the first to send humans into space if they succeed. 
The cockpit is about as roomy and comfortable Pez dispensers, and there is no real navigation on board to fly.
This duo hope that after the liquid oxygen fuel it brought into the room, their calculation and the "law aerodinamika" will guide its cargo safely glide back to Earth for landing on water is slowed by a parachute, just like the old Apollo missions, because there is no bad thing never happen to them.
Xiangli Tao from China and Russia's Mikhail Puchkov both use their wits and his crazy idea to build a full-powered submarines that can be enabled.
Tao spent about $ 4.385 (approximately one full year of salary) and two years of his life to build a sub out of the barrel.
It can safely dive to a depth of 32.5 feet and has a periscope, an electric motor for the two propellers, diving tank, a manometer (for measuring pressure), lights and video camera / monitor setup to look outside. Taoist using barrels for they are cheap and the rest assembled together with the goods - items remaining.
Then you have Puchkov, who desperately wants to escape from the life of a factory worker in Soviet Russia, so he began to build its own submarines, despite considering water bodies that surround Russia, 
His efforts were beginning just drowning in cold water, and one person who did not drown trapped in steel mesh and injured, Puchkov two days in the KGB interrogation cells as a suspected spy.
When he finally succeeded, he wound fiberglass with a mini-sub with a backup system in case of an electric motor pedal failed. 
He can travel in it for about 100 miles per day, at a speed of 4 knots and a depth of 30 feet, which appears to be the limit for DIY subs and about 30 feet deeper than the depth that will be an advanced underwater grave.
and instead of using a periscope or a video camera to see, he only use plastic dome-shaped head, which just shows you that life in the oppressive communist regime can really bring out the creativity of people.
Nuclear Reactor
We've shown you before that with the right parts, you should be able to build its own nuclear fusion reactor.
Now, if you think such a thing as easily done on paper and no one really can build a working device, think again. Two of the children of Michigan actually did it, although that one is more successful than others.
Guess one of the success?
The man on the left, Thiago Olson, build fusion reactor in his basement starting at age 15 years and really achieve a fusion reaction at the age of 17.
He explored for the parts on eBay, read books on physics and fusion of questions posted on forums whenever he can not, make one wonder just how popular questions about the secret nuclear science in Internet forums?.
Someone else is David Hahn 17 years, which created a nuclear reactor in his mother's farm barn. Unfortunately, we can not display the picture, because the EPA was buried in the warehouse and all attempts at a low level radioactive waste site in Utah
Hahn never have enough nuclear material to achieve critical mass and start the reaction, although he had not succeeded in irradiating the whole environment.
Although he seems a poor student, he managed to gather enough parts and materials to build a basic nuclear reactor at his ranch.
In the end, Hahn is the subject of a book about how he almost killed their environment

Browse 5.RUDAL
New Zealand is home to Bruce Simpson, also known as the people who build their own cruise missiles.
Simpson just wanted to see if it could be done, and he posted all the progress on the website for the whole world to read and copy.
specifications are spending less than $ 5,000 worth of parts (missile made of fiberglass, stainless steel, and plastic sheets), and the project can be completed by anyone who has access to the tools used to shop.
With Electronics features a video system, radio transmitter, GPS and flight control systems, the product can carry 22 kg warhead.
Simpson said it was just a way to test jet engines. addition, he wrote a book about the" courage "his efforts to create inexpensive weapon that anyone can make it at home, 
China has not only spawned a homemade submarine previously mentioned, but also is home to people who make their own helicopters.
But he's not alone - it seems that China has a growing strength in people willing to risk their lives and the threat of imprisonment (homemade flying machines are illegal in China) to make the dream of flying machines from junk
 Looks like someone drove a windmill to the jungle gym.
Misris helicopter in the picture was made with "high school physics" at a cost of about $ 1,600, and the makers claim can reach a height of 2600 feet,
Then there's this one, which sounds like an old lawn mower but shown here can actually lifted off the ground.
And then there's this model, which looks amazing like a personal helicopter Episode James Bond in You Only Live Twice:

In each case, the people who make low cost (for a helicopter) of any part they could find
AI think Chad Barraford sound assistant Tony Stark (aka Jarvis) is the coolest part in the film Iron Man, and he decided that waiting for someone else to build it for suckers.
So in between offer technical support for the Mac, he designed a voice recognition system with the goal of helping at home.
While Stark Jarvis is the home of millions of dollars in Malibu, Barraford managed to make it a cost of about $ 700.
Which includes the RFID reader, system integration house, a wall speakers, wireless microphone and the Mac mini. This system has to do everything from dim the lights samapai tell Barraford about the weather.
Barraford's Jarvis also act as an alarm clock, changing the lighting based on the number of people in the house, to save energy and to meet the person specification, and the lights go out if nothing is home.

When suffering from migraine Barraford brain that makes it unable to beraktifitas.dalam it, all he did was to send an IM to Jarvis, and computer dim the screen to send an email to Boss Barraford and update Facebook and Twitter status so that she can recover without being disturbed.
source: http://danish56.blogspot.com/2010/12/6-proyek-percobaan-mandiri-yang-murah.html