10 World's Best Jumpers Animal

These animals live in the Himalayas and is one of the animals the best jumper among animals. They used to jump off cliffs and hills.
9. Rabbit

This animal is one of the fastest animals that have the ability to jump. They were able to run with speed 72 km / h, so it is very difficult to catch the predator.
8. Red Kangaroo

They are among the fastest animals jumping animals. They were able to jump with speed of 56 km / hr.
7. Klipspringer

High animal is about 1.5 m, they can jump 10 times their height. They are the highest jumping mammals are among the animals than his size.
6. Grasshopper

This animal can jump as far as 20 times its body size. Just imagine someone who can jump as far as the size of a basketball court!
5. Kangaroo rat

This animal can jump as far as 45 times its body size. Just imagine someone who can jump as far as the size of a football field. They are mammals that jumps the farthest than his size.
4. Frog hopper

This animal can jump 70 times his height. They are animals of the 2nd highest jumper between animals than his size.
3. Jumping spider

This animal can jump 100 times its body length. Imagine someone who can jump over two big jet plane!
2. Tree frog

They can jump 150 times its body length. Imagine someone who can jump over the Titanic. They are animals of the 2nd farthest jumper than his size.
1. Tick

This animal can jump 220 times its body length and 150 times the height. They are the farthest and highest jumping animal among animals than his size.
source : http://hermawayne.blogspot.com/2011/01/10-hewan-pelompat-terbaik-di-dunia.html