10 People Living of Impossible Things

10 People Living of Impossible Things

 Vesva Vulovic 
Stewardess who survived the terrorist attack on a 33,000 foot 
people survived 
On January 26, 1972, an airline Yugoslav DC-9 departed from Copenhagen, Beogard, with 28 passengers and crew. At an altitude of 33,000 feet, found a bomb in the cargo section planted by separatist Croatian Ustashe and explode. The aircraft were destroyed and fell in the mountains. And that became the phenomenal story of all time, stewardess Vesna Vulovic safely from a height of 33,000 feet by sitting on the tail. 
Vulovic who was 22 years old should not even exist in the plane. When he was in an interview, he said it was another Vesna who should be on the plane, but he's happy and feeling muddle because allowed to make his first trip to Denmark. Since the incident, he suffered a fractured skull injury with two broken legs and three broken vertebrae, one of which destroyed him paralyzed from the waist to bottom. 
Vulovic spent several months in and out of hospitals and perform operations that enable it to walk again. He became a celebrity when the Guinness Book of World Records invited her to sebbuah ceremony in London with Paul McCartney. He is listed as being able to survive the fall without a parachute. 
2. Frane bolt 
Escaped from a train accident that the open sliding door of the plane, bus collision, a fire burning car, 2 other car accident, then won the lottery millions of dollars 
people survived 
Luck is always there at his side or vice versa for Croatian music teacher Frane bolt (born 1929), which is famous throughout the world due to escape from the many fatal accidents. The first is the experience of death from cold surinya started in January 1962, when he was on the train headed DuBovnik train suddenly slips into a cold river and killing 17 passengers. He managed to escape with a broken arm, a little scratches and bruises. 
A year later bolt flew from Zagreb to Rijeka, when suddenly the wind blowing from the cockpit aircraft, and flew the plane door, he fell from the plane. The accident killed 19 people, but the bolt berunutng landed in a pile of hay and woke up several days later at the hospital with minor injuries. 
In 1966, she suffered a third accident while traveling in the bus crash and plunge into a river. There are four people who died. Surprisingly, bolt again escaped unscathed. 
In 1970, bolt driving the car when his car suddenly caught fire. Fortunately again, he managed to leave the car before the fuel tank exploded. Three years later the car returned fire bolt, flame blowing from air vents. This is the most intense anxiety, he lost most of her hair. 
In 1995, the bolt was in Zagreb when he was hit by a bus, again without leaving anything except minor injuries. 
The following year when he drove through a mountain road, crashed into guardrail bolt to avoid an approaching truck and landed in a tree and his car exploded 300 feet below it. 
In a shocking turn of events in 2003, winning the million dollar lottery bolt Croatia. 
3. Andes Survivors 
Falling from the Andes mountains and survived for 72 days 
people survived 
On Friday October 13, 1972, a Uruguayan air force flew over the Andes carrying Stella Maris College Rugby team from Monteviseo, Uruguay to play a match in Santiago, Chile. When peswat it flew through the gap in the mountains, air monitoring in Santiago told the pilot that the aircraft is above the Curico, Chile and fatherly allowed to land. This proved to be a fatal mistake. Because the gap is covered by clouds, the pilot must rely on the usual time needed to traverse the mountain. But they failed meperhitungkan strong winds, which in turn slow the aircraft and increase the time needed to cross the mountains. As a result, there was a deflection and a decrease in aircraft that are too fast before the plane managed to cross the mountain. 
Twelve people were killed in the accident. The people who survived not only have to hunger and face the daunting mountains, but also the temperature of -30 degrees at night. They survive on food reserves they had until they were rescued, but they lose hope when they heard that the search had been halted on the radio.Discouraged with the lack of food and physical exhaustion, they were forced to eat their own colleagues who have died to keep alive. Finally after bored with extremely low temperatures and the threat of landslides and saddened by the death of their partner and the bad rescue prospects, two of them decided to cross the mountains to reach Chile. On December 22, 1972, after the isolated 72 days, the world knows that there are 16 people who survived in the mountains of the Andes. 
4. Anatoli Bugorski 
Men survive from an escalator ray particle 
people survived 
As a researcher at the Institute of High Energy Physics in Protvino, Bugorski work with the largest particles in the Soviet escalator. On July 13, 1978, he was checking a piece of equipment that does not work when the accident occurred because of the failure of security mechanisms. He was leaning over the equipment when he melongokan head in the sections where the proton beam shine. It was reported that he saw the light of "the bright sunlight a thousand times", but do not feel sick. Beam measured about 200,000 rads when it entered the skull, and about 300.00 rad when it came out after colliding with the inside of his head. The left half Bugorski face swell and make it beyond recognition and for a few days began to peel, leaving a beam of protons that have burned part of his face, bone and brain tissue underneath. As believed, that about 500-600 rads is enough to kill someone, he was taken to a clinic in moscow where the doctors are expected to observe his death. However Burgoski survive and even finish his Ph.D. education. There was hardly any damage to the ability intelekualnya, but the mental fatigue of work rose sharply. He completely lost his hearing in his left ear and the buzz is still often feels uncomfortable. Face the left froze and nerve damage. 
5. Roy Sullivan 
Struck by lightning 7 times 
people survived 
Roy was a sheriff in Virginia that has a tremendous attraction for lightning or rather lightning has charm to it. During the 36-year career as a ranger, he was struck by lightning seven times and survived each time struck. When lightning strikes get the seventh, he listed himself in the Guinness Book of World Records: 
-In 1942, the first time a lightning strike on the feet and nails are great. 
-In 1969, the second attack made her eyebrows on fire and made him faint. 
-In 1970, he was struck by lightning again and make a torn shoulder. 
-In 1972, his hair on fire and soak his head to cool it. 
-In 1973, lightning again grabbed by ripping off his hat and set fire to his head and tossed it out of the truck and damaging his left shoe. 
-In 1976, making injury to the ankle. 
-In 1977, the last strike that took him to the hospital with chest and stomach burns. 
His wife was also struck once when suddenly a lightning snatched as she and her husband was hanging clothes in the backyard. On September 28, 1983, Roy died at age 71, reportedly was shot by a shotgun rifle that had nothing to do with lightning. 
6. Joe Simpson 
Conquer Siula grande, fell 100 to the ice cliff, crawled for 3 days 
people survived 
Joe Simpson and Simon Yates were the first to successfully climb the peak of Siula Grande, in the mountains of the Andes, Peru. The disaster happened on the way down, and Yates was forced to let Simpson who was seriously injured fell 100 feet into the chasm of ice. Simpson survived the fall and spent three days to crawl back into the main tent. 
7. Truman Duncan 
Split in two by train 
people survived 
Officers train Truman Duncan fell in front of a moving train. He was crushed underneath and cut in half. Despite losing both legs and kidneys, Duncan survived for 45 minutes, and then survive by performing 23 operations. 
8. Aron Ralston 
Under the right arm amputated in order to survive in the mountains 
people survived 
In May 2003, when Aron Ralston is on the way Blu canyoneering John Canyon, a rock fall and crush her right arm and destroyed his arm. After trying for five-day lift and break the stone, making the decision to carve his name, date of birth and death dates on the stone, drank his own urine because of lack of water and record video farewell to his family. 
Finally after suffering dehydration and delirium, he decided to bow his arm against the insistence of the stone and broke the radius and ulna bones. Using a blunt knife multiuse tool, he cut the soft tissue around the broken arm. He then used pliers to cut the tendon bagina hard. After Ralston was saved, his arm was retrieved by park authorities and removed from under the rock. Cremated and given to Ralston. He returned to the rock and ashes sprinkled there. 
9. Robert Evans 
Survived after being hit by cars and trains an hour later 
people survived 
On one morning in September 2008, a homeless 46-year-old Robert Evans was hit by a car running, and when walking from the hospital to the camp, he was thrown from a narrow railroad bridge into the river by train, survived the second crash in seven hours. Police said Evans was hit by a train stairs located next to the train.Railway bridge was only enough to accommodate the railroad and not for the pedestrians or other traffic. 
10. Mauro Prosperi 
Survived 9 days in the Sahara Desert 
people survived 
Prospei, a marathon runner des Sables in Morocco in 1994. After the past 6 days and a distance of 233 kilometers of desert storm caused Prosperi to lose the road.Finally he was confused and belari the wrong direction, ultimately running several hundred kilometers to Algeria. After 36 hours he ran out of food and water. He survived by drinking his own urine and eating bats living in a mosque that had been abandoned and sometimes snakes found in the desert. Do not want to die in the desert, he attempted suicide at the mosque premises by cutting her wrists a small knife he had. His efforts failed because of lack of water that causes blood to thicken and clotted before he could die. 
After 9 days alone in the desert, he was discovered by a nomadic family and taken to an Algerian military camp, and from there taken to the hospital. He has lost 186 miles of routes marathonnya, and dlaporkan have lost weight about 30-40 pounds. 

Source: kaskus.us